Meditation Classes - Age Group 4 - 18 Years
  • About StillMinds

    Still Minds has been developed to help teach children how to relax and meditate.

    Developing a child's sense of spirit and enriching their soul is the most precious gift one can give. It provides a fun and easy to use program for everyone to use, whatever their background or belief may be. We are hoping to educate parents, teachers and children about the magic of meditation and relaxation and offer ways to help children manage stress, fill their hearts and minds with self-confidence and develop their self-worth.

    Still Minds aims to teach the children meditation and relaxation skills, by using their imagination through the use of visualization, positive affirmations and breathing techniques.

  • What is Meditiation

    Meditiation is a life skill that can be taught to your child, helping them to control their thoughts, emotions and stress levels. The ability to focus and concentrate increases for the task at hand.

    The practice of regular and even breathing bridges the body - mind and in turn calms the physical body. Stilling the mind improves the quality of sleep and as their minds become calmer, the will fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly.

    Meditiation revitalises and energises the mind, body and soul.

  • Benefits For Your Child

    The lives of children today can be hectic, with the vast amount of activities ranging from social events to school tasks to peer pressure. Giving them this life skill will enable them to quieten their busy minds and help them to relax.

    Over time and regular practice of breathing, meditation will improve your child's learning ability, problem - solving skills, memory, provide optimal focus, develop concentration and increase their attention span.

    They will learn to manage stress, anger and axiety whilst increasing self - esteem and self - awareness.

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021 913 2268

082 572 6409

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